Product Discovery - User Experience Mapping with Office 365

Teams can still effectively collaborate even when they are separated…from their office…from their teams…from their customers. With the tools you already have like Office365, teams can still conduct successful Product Discovery. This example focuses on making User Experience Maps.


It's hard to collaborate when everyone is #wfh. It can be even harder when you have to keep company information in approved online sites.

The good news is that if you have Office365 and/or Sharepoint, you can still do high quality, collaborative Product Discovery.

Here's a video on how I run online User Experience Mapping sessions with my Product teams when we are remote from each other. It's time lapse so it's quick.

We all miss our Post-It sessions but after 5 years of remote working with my clients, these techniques work just as well.

Jim Morris, Product Discovery Group

Jim coaches Product teams to collaborate with each other and seek customer input early and often during the design and ideation phase.


Product Discovery - Collaborative Prototype Building with Figma


Book Review: Inspired