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One Knight in Product Podcast: Using Solution Tests to Make Sure You're Building Products Users Want

An interview with Jim Morris. Jim's a product discovery & experimentation coach who wants teams to stop wasting their time with discovery if they're not going to do anything with it. He's currently running Product Discovery Group out in Silicon Valley.

Listen here:

We talk about a lot, including:

  • The goals of Product Discovery Group, the problems he helps to solve, how he got started as a product discovery coach and that time he hung out with Jeff Bezos

  • How many companies see funding as the ultimate validation of their idea but forget to talk to their customers and check if the idea is actually viable for the business

  • Why we need to remember that product discovery is not just there as an artificial stage gate to delay decision making and should always serve the overall business goals

  • How there are bad product companies with good product managers and good product companies with bad product managers, and how Silicon Valley startups are in the same boat as the rest of us when it comes to good product discovery practices

  • How we can bed product discovery in with leadership, how to persuade them that there's a different way to lead, and how to skill up product teams that have never done product discovery before

  • The concept of a Solution Test, the importance of presenting multiple solutions, why you have to get interactive rather than just show stuff, and why you should never concentrate on usability first

  • How to apply structure to your discovery data collection to make it easier to extract insights from the data and turn them into action

Episode Transcript

Jason Knight

Hello and welcome to the show. I'm your host, Jason Knight, and on each episode of this podcast, I'll be having inspiring conversations with passionate product people. Now, when it comes to inspiration, sometimes.

Jason Knight

We all need a little bit of help.

Jason Knight

If you follow me on Twitter, you'll know I'm a passionate advocate for mentorship. The first quarter of this year, I've mentored 76 different people, but I've realized.

Jason Knight

I just don't scale.

Jason Knight

Because of this, I have teamed up with a buddy to help more mentors and mentees find each other. So if you want to find out more about that, check out mentor where you can sign up to be.

Jason Knight

A mentor, mentee, or both.

Jason Knight

That's mentor.

Jason Knight

Or check the show notes for details.

Jason Knight

On tonight's episode, we talk about discovery and experimentation. No, not creating our own product management Frankenstein's monster, but making the right moves and doing a solution test to understand.

Jason Knight

Whether people actually want to use our products.

Jason Knight

We talk about why some companies struggle with the very concept of discovery, how we might win, skeptics around how to run good experiments, and how to analyze the data you get back and turn it into action. We also ponder whether all these cool Silicon Valley startups we hear about are any good at this sort of stuff, or if they're just stuck in the same boat as the rest of us. For this and much more, please join.

Jason Knight

Us on One Night in Product.

Jason Knight

So my guest tonight is Jim Morris. Jim's a data driven, sports obsessed product.

Jason Knight

Discovery coach who says he's been in over 600 user interviews in his time.

Jason Knight

And I'm hoping he didn't come away from those with 600 different feature requests on his backlog.

Jason Knight

Jim says he's a convicted monopolist, which.

Jason Knight

I definitely have questions about, as well.

Jason Knight

As a former restaurant host and King.

Jason Knight

Gardner, who says he hates his cat.

Jason Knight

Staying out past dinner time when he's.

Jason Knight

Not anxiously looking at the cat flap.

Jason Knight

He's busy getting teams to work together and helping product managers be successful, which.

Jason Knight

He'S doing with his own consultancy, product Discovery Group. Hi, Jim. How are you tonight?

Jim Morris

Doing great, Jason. Thanks for having me.

Jason Knight

No problem.

Jason Knight

It's good to have you here. I'm looking forward to what we're going to discover tonight.

Jason Knight

But before any of that, I do.

Jason Knight

Have to ask, you described yourself as a convicted monopolist. So does that literally mean you were.

Jason Knight

Playing Monopoly, got the go to jail card?

Jason Knight

Or do you mean something a little.

Jason Knight

Bit more interesting than that?

Jim Morris

No jail, but my company was number two in the market.

Jim Morris

The number one company in the market bought us.

Jim Morris

The US federal government decided that the.

Jim Morris

Combined company was a monopoly monopolistic player in the market, and they took the combined company trial and they convicted the combined company mostly on the emails of the acquiring company.

Jim Morris

Really don't want to write down if.

Jim Morris

We do this acquisition, it will reduce.

Jim Morris

Barriers to entry. It'll increase barriers to entry and reduce.

Jim Morris

Pricing pressure on our sales deals.

Jason Knight

This is the sort of thing that gets brought up on that tech email site that you see all the old Apple exposes and stuff. So you're up there with all these.

Jason Knight

Other malfeasance that's being caused by these other companies.

Jason Knight

But did you get in a lot.

Jason Knight

Of trouble for that or slap on the wrist or how did they treat.

Jim Morris

You for us as employees?

Jim Morris

I mean, I was a founder of the acquired company. It doesn't necessarily have any individual impact. We did convert into shares and money into the acquiring company.

Jim Morris

It just meant that we had to split out.

Jason Knight

Oh, there you go.

Jim Morris

Yeah, as a product leader was one.

Jim Morris

Day I was the leader of a large group, and the next day I.

Jim Morris

Was in a very small spin out company, rebuilding everything from scratch because the.

Jim Morris

Acquiring company had let go most of.

Jim Morris

The employees of my company into intervening two years.

Jason Knight

Wow. There you go.

Jason Knight

What a story.

Jason Knight

That's a limited Netflix series right there.

Jason Knight

So let's get back down to business.

Jason Knight

End and pass Go and collect our $200 or whatever it is these days.

Jason Knight

So you're the founder of Product Discovery.

Jason Knight

Group out there in Silicon Valley, and.

Jason Knight

I can probably take a guess at.

Jason Knight

What you do with Product Discovery Group.

Jason Knight

But just in your own words, specifically.

Jason Knight

What problem are you solving with Product Discovery Group?

Jim Morris


Jim Morris

So I coach product leaders to create and grow successful product organizations, mostly focused.

Jim Morris

On connecting with their customers and connecting with their data.

Jim Morris

And then as part of that, I.

Jim Morris

Work also with cross functional teams as.

Jim Morris

A group to teach them product discovery.

Jim Morris

Techniques that are setting outcome goals as.

Jim Morris

Well as recruiting and interviewing users on.

Jim Morris

A regular basis and then kind of.

Jim Morris

Putting that together to create solutions and.

Jim Morris

Test them so that they don't just make stuff up and give it to engineers.

Jason Knight

Never happens.

Jason Knight

Right, but who's hiring you to come.

Jason Knight

Into these companies then? Are you being hired by the product teams?

Jason Knight

Are you being hired by the leaders.

Jason Knight

The exec suite of the business? Are you kind of being hired by individuals to kind of come in via the backdoor? Like, how do you actually get in.

Jason Knight

There in the first place?

Jim Morris

Yeah, it's usually heads of product or CEOs. So if there's no head of product.

Jim Morris

It'S often a CEO.

Jim Morris

That's usually in the smaller companies, sometimes they're passing off product to their employees for the first time.

Jason Knight


Jim Morris

And so helping manage that transition.

Jim Morris

But yeah, it's usually those groups now.

Jason Knight

That'S been going for a while. I think that's been going for six.

Jason Knight

Or so years now.

Jason Knight

So you've been at it for a.

Jason Knight

Bit, but before that, you've had an illustrious career across tech product, even spent.

Jason Knight

A bit of time as a CTO from time to time as well.

Jason Knight

So you've obviously got that engineering and tech background as well.

Jason Knight

But you've now decided to double down on product, product discovery, product teams, as we just said.

Jason Knight

So I guess the question there is what was it that made you, of.

Jason Knight

All of those things that you could have chosen, decide that it was product discovery and coaching of product discovery that.

Jason Knight

You really wanted to focus on?

Jim Morris

I was lucky enough to be an.

Jim Morris

Engineer in the beginning of what we.

Jim Morris

Know is the internet and actually met Jeff Bezos.

Jim Morris

He sat on our couch in our engineering area one time.

Jason Knight

Did he bring two pieces with him?

Jim Morris

Yeah, I'm not sure.

Jim Morris

He wasn't really that famous back then. Amazon was only selling books.

Jim Morris

My company was selling sporting goods. So we were considering a peanut butter meets chocolate arrangement, I assume. I was not an executive in this.

Jim Morris

Company but what I learned as an.

Jim Morris

Engineer and leading engineering groups and product.

Jim Morris

Because before there were product managers, it was people like us who were leading.

Jim Morris

Product is that we now can build anything. The tools to build them are so much easier than before. I can rent servers, I can often.

Jim Morris

Find resources all around the world to help me become a team and build something.

Jim Morris

But the ideas that we use in this process, the ideas that we build.

Jim Morris

Are just as naive and raw as they were 25 years ago. And this is the sad state of.

Jim Morris

The industry, is that we are continuing to build often what comes to mind.

Jim Morris

Without really checking with, reflecting these ideas.

Jim Morris

Off of the world or checking if they're successful even after we launch them.

Jason Knight

Yeah, again, sure that never happens but.

Jason Knight

Sounds like the sort of thing that.

Jason Knight

Would be terrifying if it did.

Jason Knight

But what sort of companies are you working with mainly then? Like you're out in Silicon Valley, so.

Jason Knight

Are you mainly doing a Silicon Valley.

Jason Knight

Tour and working with Silicon Valley startups or scale ups or are you kind of working internationally and working with a bunch of different companies around the world?

Jason Knight

Like who's your customer base or your ideal customer base?

Jim Morris

Yeah, on the product leader coaching, it.

Jim Morris

Varies and it's quite geographically diverse.

Jim Morris

I have folks in England or Scotland.

Jim Morris

All the way east coast and west coast.

Jim Morris

Those hours tend to work nicely all.

Jim Morris

Around the clock in terms of the.

Jim Morris

Teams they tend to be in. I mean they vary from startups to corporations. Startups don't have execution problems. They typically have this two piece of team but they often have an idea problem that they take funding of the startup as validation when really it should be validated by the market.

Jim Morris

Corporations often have both problems where it.

Jim Morris

Can be hard to execute and can.

Jim Morris

It be hard for product teams to.

Jim Morris

Actually have a voice in.

Jim Morris

Corporations typically have very strong sales, marketing and executives.

Jim Morris

And so product is growing and is.

Jim Morris

New and they don't quite know where.

Jim Morris

To put it and how it forms a part of the successful part of the company.

Jim Morris

And so often what I'm doing in these companies is helping them, helping product.

Jim Morris

Make its place and then of course earn its place. These product people should always be earning our keep with checking with customers, following.

Jim Morris

Our data, creating great deliverables for engineering that are based on reality, not just our opinions.

Jason Knight

But do you find and based on.

Jason Knight

What you just described, obviously you're working.

Jason Knight

With small and large companies. Do you find I mean I've worked for large companies before and I can.

Jason Knight

Definitely speak to some of those execution.

Jason Knight

Problems and the kind of top down.

Jason Knight

Management and of course all the different.

Jason Knight

Ways that big companies can suck at doing that kind of stuff.

Jason Knight

Do you find that's something that you can make a really big impact on like when you go in there or.

Jason Knight

Is it just really kind of a.

Jason Knight

Case of almost incremental change and just trying to make them a little bit better to try and push them a little bit down a better path? But the there's only certain amounts that you can do in the kind of.

Jason Knight

Time that you get with these people.

Jim Morris

It depends on the commitment of the.

Jim Morris

Leaders of the company.

Jim Morris

So when I work with cross functional.

Jim Morris

Teams, they soak up the techniques and the experience about working with customers and pulling data and using data in conversations to convince people whether it's qualitative or quantitative. Leaders often have a harder time giving.

Jim Morris

Up their micro control of decision making.

Jim Morris

And so as we talk about actually using data to make decisions, most people are trying to put in objective and key results frameworks. We have data as goals and so that's really the if the company is.

Jim Morris

Committed from the top to change not.

Jim Morris

Just discovery is not something that is an isolated technique.

Jim Morris

I could teach you to interview users.

Jim Morris

But if you're not learning from interviewing users and you're not changing your mind from interviewing users, you should not be doing it. But when you change your mind that.

Jim Morris

Means that a roadmap item might change.

Jim Morris

But that roadmap item might feel sacred.

Jim Morris

In your company and so it starts.

Jim Morris

At the top by not making sacred roadmaps.

Jason Knight

Yeah, and almost combating the cognitive biases as well. Like the sunk cost fallacies and the fact that people have gone out there.

Jason Knight

And maybe either fallen in love with an idea or they've maybe even worse.

Jason Knight

Still made a commitment either to the board that they're going to do this new thing or they're going to go.

Jason Knight

Out and make a commitment to a.

Jason Knight

Client that they're going to sell this new thing or that they're going to do this new thing so that they can get the contract signed and stuff like that.

Jason Knight

I mean all things that again I'm sure never happen but if they did would be absolutely terrifying. But yeah, so you're a big advocate.

Jason Knight

For experimentation and product discovery. You've talked about it just now and.

Jason Knight

Obviously that's the whole point of the product discovery group as well. But I guess these days it's not exactly controversial.

Jason Knight

Certainly in product circles, it's very much.

Jason Knight

In fashion, both through the efforts of coaches like yourself, other coaches that we're.

Jason Knight

All aware of, as well as some.

Jason Knight

Of the popular books that are out there. It's out there and people are talking.

Jason Knight

About this a lot and obviously in many cases they've been talking about it.

Jason Knight

For some time as well, but it definitely seems to be cresting a wave at the moment.

Jason Knight

But you've touched on it yourself as well.

Jason Knight

Not everyone's doing it enough, some people aren't doing it at all.

Jason Knight

Across all of the types of companies that you work for, do you find that even if they're not doing it.

Jason Knight

And maybe don't really have a great.

Jason Knight

Idea about how they're going to do it, that there's at least an appetite to go out and do it? Or do you think that there are.

Jason Knight

Some companies out there that almost on.

Jason Knight

A point of principle, don't do it because they think that they know everything.

Jason Knight

And they don't need that sort of thing at all?

Jim Morris

There are definitely companies who believe they don't need that sort of thing at all.

Jim Morris

And these might be the companies that.

Jim Morris

Adopt a lot of these fake Agile frameworks.

Jason Knight

Hey, here we go, let's do Safe.

Jim Morris

I know it's a rabbit hole of.

Jim Morris

Discussion, but what it does is it takes something like Agile, which is an.

Jim Morris

Inherently messy, incremental process. And with this inherently messy and incremental process, it doesn't lend itself well to.

Jim Morris

Leaders who want to predict the future.

Jim Morris

And who want some control over the future. When I say control over the future, I think this is impossible. But people don't believe that and so.

Jim Morris

They want this fake control over the.

Jim Morris

Future and so they take Agile and.

Jim Morris

They put it in a framework and.

Jim Morris

It no longer becomes Agile, but you.

Jim Morris

Still call it Agile.

Jim Morris

So it's a little bit of gaslighting, especially for the employees who thought they.

Jim Morris

Were going to be able to do.

Jim Morris

Incremental improvement and come up with innovations at their level. But in reality, all the resources are there's.

Jim Morris

Stage gate decision making by heads of.

Jim Morris

Engineering who won't let you control the backlog of the engineers because they won't.

Jim Morris

Spend the time, or don't spend the.

Jim Morris

Time with their colleagues to agree on.

Jim Morris

Important metrics for the company, which is the way you delegate without freaking out.

Jim Morris

The way you macromanage rather than micromanage.

Jason Knight

Yeah, for sure.

Jason Knight

And obviously that touches on another potential rabbit hole there of the whole horror of shadow roadmaps and engineering roadmaps and.

Jason Knight

Everything being kind of hidden.

Jason Knight

I was once called a transparency Nazi for suggesting that might be a bit of a bad idea to do, but.

Jim Morris

You know, some people don't like work in progress.

Jim Morris

Some people expect you to be polished.

Jim Morris

When you walk into any meeting and.

Jim Morris

They feel like it's a waste of.

Jim Morris

Their time to discuss the intricacies of.

Jim Morris

Whether you should or shouldn't do something.

Jim Morris

And I'm not a big fan of.

Jim Morris

Wasting time, but I am a fan.

Jim Morris

Of if we're going to talk about.

Jim Morris

Whether we should do something, ideally it's based in some form of reality.

Jim Morris

And as we're doing it, why don't.

Jim Morris

I show you so that you have.

Jim Morris

Some influence in the beginning as opposed.

Jim Morris

To surprising me at the end.

Jim Morris

This is like why we talk to users. We can do discovery with our executives and with our users.

Jim Morris

And that's one of Teresa Torres's big.

Jim Morris

Things, is managing stakeholders.

Jim Morris

Just talk to them more often.

Jason Knight

Oh, yeah, for sure. I mean, I kind of started to.

Jason Knight

Label that and I don't know if it was me who labeled it that or someone else who labeled it that and I just copied them, which is.

Jason Knight

Almost certainly what really happened.

Jason Knight

The kind of idea of full stack.

Jason Knight

Discovery and just not like you get.

Jason Knight

Some people to sit there and they're so precious about the fact that they have to talk to users.

Jason Knight

And that's really the only type of discovery that's valid. And if it's not coming through their product lens, then it's completely invalid and.

Jason Knight

Just point in time, just one deal or whatever like that. And it's like, yeah, sure, it kind of is that. But of course, all conversations basically contribute to a bigger picture. And I think it's really incumbent on.

Jason Knight

All product teams to listen to everyone, right?

Jason Knight

They can wait the evidence accordingly. They can wait the discussions accordingly, but.

Jason Knight

They can't just not listen to them.

Jim Morris

Well, product folks, often discovery gets a.

Jim Morris

Bad name because it takes on a.

Jim Morris

Life of its own.

Jim Morris

Product discovery is only relevant if it.

Jim Morris

Solves a business problem. We mean to solve customer problems to the benefit of the business. And so what's the benefit of the business?

Jim Morris

Executives will say it's a stage gate decision making. And we'll say the executives will say.

Jim Morris

I'm going to make money and more revenue or profit by doing the math.

Jim Morris

In my head and assigning features to.

Jim Morris

A product team, when in reality, they.

Jim Morris

Should take their top level metrics, break them down one or two levels and start to dole those out to teams instead of these features. And then if teams adopt this business attitude, their stakeholders will respect them more.

Jim Morris

Because they're speaking two languages.

Jim Morris

Executives are terrified of not getting your paycheck in the bank by raising investment.

Jim Morris

Or hitting revenue numbers.

Jim Morris

And you get the luxury of getting.

Jim Morris

A paycheck all the time, but it does owe it to the business to be related to your work has to.

Jim Morris

Be tied to the business.

Jim Morris

And I think that's where not only.

Jim Morris

Are we're not selling stakeholders, we're doing discovery, but we're also trying to relate.

Jim Morris

And make relevant our work.

Jason Knight

Yeah, absolutely. I think it's important we want those.

Jason Knight

People to come towards us, of course, and start to think a little bit more like us and accept the ways that we think. But I think to do that, the.

Jason Knight

Bargain has to be that we try.

Jason Knight

And think a little bit how they.

Jason Knight

Think as well and not necessarily in the middle, but not at one end or the other.

Jason Knight

But I'd like to think that Silicon Valley tech startups have all drunk the koolaid in this regard and all out there doing product stuff properly. Like that's the basis and you're shaking your head already. So I'm sure this isn't the case.

Jason Knight

But a lot of the classic books are based on the practices of people.

Jason Knight

That have worked for some of the.

Jason Knight

Biggest Silicon Valley tech companies in the world.

Jim Morris


Jason Knight

So is it the case that those really good buy the book product discovery or product practice companies are even in.

Jason Knight

A minority in Silicon Valley or is.

Jason Knight

There like just a strong minority of not that type of company in Silicon Valley as well?

Jim Morris

Well, I'll first say that the sad.

Jim Morris

Truth in product is that there are successful teams that have bad product managers.

Jim Morris

And no product discipline at all and.

Jim Morris

There are unsuccessful teams that have highly.

Jim Morris

Disciplined, very good product people on them.

Jim Morris

It sometimes relates to whether you're in.

Jim Morris

A rocket ship business or not, were you there at the right place at the right time?

Jim Morris

And what we do is to increase the probability of success and to turn.

Jim Morris

Ordinary employees into extraordinary employees through doing these techniques.

Jim Morris

So the issue with Silicon Valley is.

Jim Morris

That you get a lot of external validation when you receive funding, when you have free lunch, when you have a great environment.

Jim Morris

And really you can get isolated from the fact that there are customers out there who need to pay for your services so that your company is viable.

Jim Morris

In the long term.

Jim Morris

So I don't see it as a widespread concept in Silicon Valley that we're operating with a data first, qualitative or quantitative data first approach.

Jim Morris

Sometimes we are just operating fast, hoping.

Jim Morris

To see what sticks.

Jim Morris

And so there's a lot of great execution in Silicon Valley that's what I.

Jim Morris

Would say is probably the number one.

Jim Morris

Asset is well, execution and wealthy people.

Jim Morris

Who give money to people they don't.

Jim Morris

Know in risky areas in the rest.

Jim Morris

Of the world, wealthy people give money.

Jim Morris

To people they know in non risky areas.

Jason Knight

Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.

Jason Knight

But it's also slightly disheartening that even in the heartland of tech, people are still struggling to do this right. So what hope do the rest of us have?

Jason Knight

But speaking about that hope, I mean, we've talked about there are some companies.

Jason Knight

That don't like to do this stuff.

Jason Knight

Either on purpose or they just don't know how to do it. Yet, or they think that it's a bit of a bind or it takes.

Jason Knight

Too long, or all of those things that we just mentioned. But you're obviously going into these companies.

Jason Knight

And I guess at least in some.

Jason Knight

Situations, persuading them that that is the way to go.

Jason Knight

Now, you could argue, and maybe should argue, that of course, if people are.

Jason Knight

Coming to you, that there's almost a.

Jason Knight

Natural appetite for that anyway, because someone.

Jason Knight

That didn't want to do this probably.

Jason Knight

Isn'T going to get you.

Jason Knight

In in the first place, but presuming.

Jason Knight

That you've gone into at least some.

Jason Knight

Skeptical companies or ones where the product team were maybe up for this, but.

Jason Knight

The leadership team weren't, and you needed to help them bed that in and.

Jason Knight

Actually get the buy in to do that. What are some of the approaches that.

Jason Knight

Have worked best for you to kind.

Jason Knight

Of crest that hill and go down the other side into the wonderful meadows of discovery?

Jim Morris

I get them to testing with users.

Jim Morris

Within 30 days, and sometimes that requires.

Jim Morris

Me to write the recruiting screener for the users. I don't like to do work for.

Jim Morris

My clients, but I have longer engagements.

Jim Morris

And so what that allows me to.

Jim Morris

Do is to have them do some.

Jim Morris

Things, have me do some things and get to this point of talking to users. And once they talk to five or.

Jim Morris

Six users, they start to understand the approach, which is, I'm not going to.

Jim Morris

Show one solution, I'm showing multiple solutions.

Jim Morris

Which is a required part of my approach.

Jim Morris

And then I'm going to talk to.

Jim Morris

Users in a way that allows them.

Jim Morris

To react to things so that I.

Jim Morris

Get more honest feedback. And when they see the honest feedback.

Jim Morris

Engineers who say, what can we learn from five users?

Jim Morris

Start to understand what they can learn.

Jim Morris

From five users, can't learn everything.

Jim Morris

But Jacob Nielsen's quote is zero interviews gives zero insight.

Jim Morris


Jim Morris

So I do that and then, of course, in the rest of my engagement.

Jim Morris

It becomes everything they do, they start.

Jim Morris

To do on their own, so that.

Jim Morris

By the time I leave, they're not.

Jim Morris

Only hooked on it because they've talked.

Jim Morris

To users, because that's one of the hooking points. They're actually able to do all the various steps.

Jim Morris

The second thing is I convince management.

Jim Morris

That as you grow, it's going to.

Jim Morris

Be hard to tell everybody what to.

Jim Morris

Do and that you're actually better off spending the ten to 20 hours in your roadmap discussions.

Jim Morris

What if we took half of that.

Jim Morris

And talked about metrics?

Jim Morris

Right. So the idea that there's a different way to manage that's, the hardest part.

Jim Morris

Is we teach discovery, but we don't teach the different way to manage.

Jim Morris

So the managers, even though we criticize.

Jim Morris

Them for not allowing discovery, we don't actually work with them to understand that, to teach them there's a different way.

Jim Morris

To manage that can work to their advantage.

Jim Morris

If you as a manager can convey.

Jim Morris

Business reality to your employees, you will.

Jim Morris

Be able to scale and become a great executive.

Jim Morris

But if you as a manager still.

Jim Morris

Want to be a PM working through.

Jim Morris

Other people, it won't scale.

Jim Morris

We we are not Steve Jobs. We are not Elon Musk.

Jim Morris

These are not the examples to follow.

Jason Knight

Yeah, well, there's a number of reasons why we shouldn't follow Elon Musk, for example, although obviously we'd own Twitter by.

Jason Knight

Now if we were, I guess, and did it properly.

Jason Knight

Okay, so that sounds fair enough.

Jason Knight

And obviously trying to make that more.

Jason Knight

Cultural change, I guess, sometimes works and sometimes it doesn't. It really depends on the company and the buy in you can get, as.

Jason Knight

You say, but assuming that you do.

Jason Knight

Get that buy in and that there is scope then to go out and.

Jason Knight

Do some proper discovery or get your.

Jason Knight

Five users or whatever it is that.

Jason Knight

You want to achieve.

Jason Knight

If you're working for a company that's.

Jason Knight

Never done it before or working with.

Jason Knight

A team that's never done it before, it's quite possible that these like, if.

Jason Knight

We'Re talking to people or talking about.

Jason Knight

People that have maybe been in a.

Jason Knight

More of a feature, factory top down, delivery type product management role, sort of project manager, really. Not really a product manager. If they don't have the skills, they're.

Jason Knight

Not just going to be able to go and ask good questions of the.

Jason Knight

People that they want to do discovery.

Jason Knight

Interviews with, because they'll probably go in.

Jason Knight

There and reaffirm all their biases and lead the respondents and do all of.

Jason Knight

That stuff that we're told not to.

Jason Knight

Do when we talk about discovery. So I guess the question that comes out of that is what techniques or.

Jason Knight

Methods do you go into these people with then?

Jason Knight

To try and get them up to.

Jason Knight

Speed as quickly as possible, to make sure that when they do go out.

Jason Knight

And talk to these customers, especially if.

Jason Knight

It'S the first time and you're trying to validate the approach that they're actually getting good results out of those interviews.

Jason Knight

And that they're asking the right questions and getting something useful out the back of it.

Jim Morris

Yeah, I've concentrated on one product discovery.

Jim Morris

Technique, which I call the solution test.

Jim Morris

And that's before you do usability, because.

Jim Morris

You don't quite know if it's the solution you want.

Jim Morris

Usability is just as it confuse people.

Jim Morris

Not do they want to use it. My teams don't ask the hard question.

Jim Morris

Often, does anybody want this? And so I go straight for that question. You can read the Sprint book.

Jim Morris

It's not in there.

Jim Morris

So do they want it?

Jim Morris

And as we approach that existential question.

Jim Morris

We'Re also looking at the interview as.

Jim Morris

A way to well, I'll say that for the solution test, I have people.

Jim Morris

Create variety of solutions, usually fake prototypes, as a way to get reactions from users. When I ask you, hey, would you.

Jim Morris

Use a concept and I describe it to you verbally, maybe I show you.

Jim Morris

A screenshot of it.

Jim Morris

You're not really participating in that concept. You're like in a movie theater watching it.

Jim Morris

The distinction is quite real. When I send you the link and have you interact with it and share.

Jim Morris

Me your screen, as I get users to interact with things, the reactions become more honest.

Jim Morris

And so the solution test for me.

Jim Morris

Hits a very sweet spot in terms.

Jim Morris

Of authenticity that is in some ways.

Jim Morris

Hard to mess up.

Jim Morris

Now, you can sort of lead people.

Jim Morris

Through, but I do the first couple of interviews, right? So I give them theory, I model.

Jim Morris

It, I watch them interview, and then.

Jim Morris

I give them advice.

Jim Morris

It's typical didactic technique. And I get QA people, engineers, I.

Jim Morris

Get designers used to tell me they.

Jim Morris

Were terrified of talking to users. And it's sort of a script.

Jim Morris

Although once we get to the prototype.

Jim Morris

Itself, there's not much to say except set up the mindset, give them the reason they're there.

Jim Morris

You need to buy an iPhone accessory. You need to pick a primary care.

Jim Morris

Physician and then just stop talking.

Jim Morris

And so if we get to awkward silence, then I know we're getting somewhere. And when they get users struggling and.

Jim Morris

They learn not to talk during that.

Jim Morris

Struggle, they realize that making good software is hard and that they should really step back and just have a humility type moment. So that's the in terms of avoiding leading questions, there's a structure I give them.

Jim Morris

The nice thing about a solution test.

Jim Morris

Interview is it also helps validate is it the problem? Is the problem correct? Is the opportunity interesting? Do you have the right users that you've recruited?

Jim Morris

Are your personas good or bad?

Jim Morris

Is your jobs to be done actually good or bad?

Jim Morris

And we put all this stuff together in the Sprint book. They do it in a week. I usually do it in a couple.

Jim Morris

Of weeks because I'm not worth them 24/7.

Jim Morris

But once they create this prototype, and.

Jim Morris

I call them experiments, the experiment is meant to learn something, not meant to get them to say yes. And so if they can get that.

Jim Morris

Approach, I turn everybody into interviewers. I don't bother trying to make non designers make prototypes.

Jim Morris

We do.

Jim Morris

If it's a Sprint week, then we.

Jim Morris

Have to do that. But otherwise, most teams it's just the designer. But we will get into that whole.

Jim Morris

Flow and then pass it to the designer.

Jim Morris

Whereas most people will skip making that.

Jim Morris

Experience, and they don't actually learn how to make a good experience.

Jim Morris

They'll just sort of make a bunch.

Jim Morris

Of bullet points and hand it over.

Jason Knight

Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. I was going to talk a bit about experimentation as well, because I know that you've got a fiery passion for it. And we've obviously already touched on some.

Jason Knight

Of the elements of it. So I guess if we then assume.

Jason Knight

That some of these prototypes or mockups.

Jason Knight

Or whatever we want to call them.

Jason Knight

Are basically mini experiments that you're going.

Jason Knight

To run with users to test the.

Jason Knight

Desirability, usability, feasibility, all of the stuff.

Jason Knight

That we might want to test with these people.

Jason Knight

What are some of the key things.

Jason Knight

To look out for?

Jason Knight

I was going to ask about a good experiment, but let's flip that and say, what are some of the key.

Jason Knight

Things not to do when you're putting.

Jason Knight

One of these experiments in front of people? If you want to get good results.

Jim Morris

Of it, one, don't build it in software, right?

Jim Morris

So people, when they hear about experimentation and discovery, they think immediately to a.

Jim Morris

B testing or multivariate testing and say, no, I've done a lot of that. That requires you to build two solutions or five or six in order to get one winner. And if you release that to the.

Jim Morris

Public, those two to five solutions have.

Jim Morris

To be privacy compliant, secure, disaster recovery compliant. It's just a lot of engineering time that doesn't go into the value to the user. Once you know the value, sure, invest in that stuff.

Jim Morris

So don't build it as much as possible.

Jim Morris

Most of my teams are making fake prototypes.

Jim Morris

Whether it's a report, API, documentation, clickable prototypes.

Jim Morris

That's one thing is don't build it.

Jim Morris

The other is don't just show it.

Jim Morris

There has to be an experiential element we're not holding in our hands, but.

Jim Morris

We'Re looking at it at our own screen.

Jim Morris

We can interact with it.

Jim Morris

The fake report might be a bunch.

Jim Morris

Of Excel data that works in an Excel graph.

Jim Morris

It doesn't have to be a web.

Jim Morris

UI that's fully functional. Don't make one long solution. This just happened with the team. I said, we're going to make these experiments.

Jim Morris

We're going to do multiple solutions.

Jim Morris

Everyone did sketching.

Jim Morris

We said to the designer, like, here's the sketches.

Jim Morris

Let's make some prototypes. And the designer sort of fused them into one long experience, which is what people do because they're always asked not to make works in progress, but to.

Jim Morris

Make a final experience. If they were to go to a.

Jim Morris

Design review and say, here's my three ideas, that would be frustrating for leaders.

Jim Morris

Who want to give a yes no decision.

Jim Morris

So the ideas from the team had been incorporated, so the designer was listening, but as an artifact to show you. You would click through it, you would experience them, and you'd be like, yeah, okay. That's the response that users have.

Jim Morris

That's interesting. I like it. I'd use that.

Jim Morris

And those are all lies. So what we do is, I want you to slice it up, take one.

Jim Morris

Piece of the experience.

Jim Morris

If it's ecommerce, don't do search and.

Jim Morris

Navigate, filter, pick something, read the reviews.

Jim Morris

Add to cart billing, shipping address, credit card checkout.

Jim Morris

Give me add to cart. Give me three variations of add to cart.

Jim Morris

What that means is I'm getting the.

Jim Morris

Variation from my designer. If I've got a subject matter expert.

Jim Morris

Who doesn't build experiences but has a.

Jim Morris

Great idea for add to Cart.

Jim Morris

They're talking to me about how they.

Jim Morris

Can cross sell on the add to cart page.

Jim Morris

Or, I mean, add to cart pages.

Jim Morris

Have been bloated and overdone at this.

Jim Morris

Point, but you get the idea that.

Jim Morris

At some point they thought, oh, let's innovate this page.

Jim Morris

For better, for worse.

Jason Knight

Gamifying yeah.

Jim Morris

So don't make big, long prototypes.

Jim Morris

One, because they make for long, boring user tests that don't give you results.

Jim Morris

And don't do it.

Jim Morris

So again, if you're testing with users.

Jim Morris

And you're not changing your mind or.

Jim Morris

Pivoting, just stop doing it, you're wasting time. Now, usability testing has its place.

Jim Morris

Like, you don't want to confuse people.

Jim Morris

So I might take a final prototype.

Jim Morris

That'S almost ready for engineering that's pixel.

Jim Morris

Perfect at the very end of discovery as we've been refining it and run it through one more time.

Jim Morris

Sure, usability does matter, but not unless people want to use it.

Jim Morris


Jim Morris

And then don't make a prototype that.

Jim Morris

Is like you would use it in real life. I coach designers to make prototypes that are ugly because it may not follow.

Jim Morris

The company style guide if I have.

Jim Morris

A call to action.

Jim Morris

And the company style guide is really subtle. When a screen shows up, I don't.

Jim Morris

Want to tell a user they don't do anything.

Jim Morris

Would you click this button?

Jim Morris

I want the button or the link to be so obvious that they have.

Jim Morris

To tell me they're not going to.

Jim Morris

Click it or they're going to click it. So as we lead people through an.

Jim Morris

Experiment, I often do things to the thing that you're interacting with so that.

Jim Morris

I don't have to talk to you.

Jim Morris

So I have to talk to you, Jason. Again, it's not a leading question, but.

Jim Morris

I might want to explain myself. It's a natural thing to want to explain myself.

Jim Morris

And so I need to take myself out of it. And part of it is making the.

Jim Morris

Solution test that does this.

Jim Morris

Those are a couple of the things.

Jim Morris

Don't overdo it.

Jim Morris

Don't overbuild.

Jim Morris

People will put a lot of buttons.

Jim Morris

Like they said, make it obvious, and.

Jim Morris

They'Ll build the resulting pages for all those buttons. Well, if no one clicks on buttons.

Jim Morris

One, two, three and four, and they only click on buttons five and six.

Jim Morris

Well, next user test build the buttons.

Jim Morris

For six and seven, because they often think, they don't believe or they don't.

Jim Morris

Understand that user testing is continuous, that.

Jim Morris

I'm going to come back to this.

Jim Morris

Topic so I can actually tackle a.

Jim Morris

Subset of what's in my brain.

Jim Morris

They make long prototypes, but that's because.

Jim Morris

They'Re always trying to build long projects. So if we take Agile, the one thing that was successful in software is.

Jim Morris

We just build things and release them.

Jim Morris

Faster, like engineers can't tell you why.

Jim Morris

We can't tell you we're bad at software, but if we do it faster.

Jim Morris

We'Re better at software.

Jim Morris

Actually, in product, it works like that too.

Jim Morris

Our ideas, our dreams are big, but.

Jim Morris

If we start to write them down, we realize how actually bad they are. But if we break them down and do discovery in this, like, let's do.

Jim Morris

Three versions of Add to Cart. Add to Cart becomes awesome.

Jim Morris

Then we do three versions of billing and shipping. That looks great.

Jim Morris

And the users, actually, they can handle this.

Jim Morris

They can handle experience A on this page and like, slightly different experience B.

Jim Morris

And then Experience C. Users are not timid or afraid. I mean, they put up with a lot.

Jim Morris

I mean, just go to Craigslist, Ebay, Amazon.

Jim Morris

These are frustrating sites to use, but they love these sites.

Jim Morris


Jason Knight

So when you get out the back of the testing that you're talking about.

Jason Knight

The experimentation, obviously the interviews that you.

Jason Knight

Get to do as well, you're coming.

Jason Knight

Out of that, as we discussed earlier.

Jason Knight

With some qualitative and quantitative data that you want to do something with.

Jason Knight

Now, obviously, we could probably talk all day about what to do with that data and some of the cool techniques.

Jason Knight

You could use, but I guess if you were working with a less than data savvy team and you wanted to teach them some of the basics about.

Jason Knight

What to do with that data, so they can actually turn what they've done into insight.

Jason Knight

Like, do you have any frameworks or.

Jason Knight

Techniques that you kind of start them.

Jason Knight

Off with to help them to do that?

Jim Morris


Jim Morris

One reason teams do not do discovery.

Jim Morris

Again, or why teams don't replicate a design Sprint, is because analyzing qualitative data sucks. It takes time, especially if you're new to it.

Jim Morris

If I have an unstructured set of interviews, I talked about solution tests.

Jim Morris

Let's talk about generative interviews where they're unstructured. If I have five or six of those, I have to go through half of those interviews. And if it's 5 hours, call it.

Jim Morris

Two and a half hours of interviews.

Jim Morris

To understand what I'm looking for.

Jason Knight


Jim Morris

And in that last part of that.

Jim Morris

I might find something that I want to go back to the first interview.

Jim Morris

And find if there's a quote or a feeling about.

Jim Morris

And I've checked with some qualitative researchers that it's about one and a half.

Jim Morris

Passes through the data, which in 5.

Jim Morris

Hours, it's seven and a half hours. Although I do listen to people at.

Jason Knight

A faster clip just like me with.

Jim Morris

Podcasts, as long as they don't talk.

Jim Morris

Like President Obama, which is slow and then fast and then slow and then fast.

Jim Morris

So it helps to be organized upfront.

Jim Morris

Before you start the first interview, especially with solution tests because they're so structured, which is, again, the reason I start.

Jim Morris

There, because if you start with unstructured interviews, there's so much everyone can take their own understanding from it.

Jim Morris

But if we actually think about a.

Jim Morris

Couple of solutions and exercise our brain to what the solution might be, we're.

Jim Morris

Actually in a better mental state to evaluate someone's reaction to it rather than these kind of very raw interviews that.

Jim Morris

Are just most common in discovery.

Jim Morris

Hey, what do you think? What do you like?

Jim Morris

What's your pain point? Let me follow you around for the day. These are hard to analyze, so let's.

Jim Morris

Just say that a structured interview is.

Jim Morris

Easier with a prototype. They're going to make one primary hypothesis about this study.

Jim Morris

Users, they want to do this specific thing.

Jim Morris

Then on each of the screens we're doing, we're also making choices.

Jim Morris

Like in the text message, I'm going.

Jim Morris

To say, Hi, Jason.

Jim Morris

In the text message, I'm going to put the last four digits of your.

Jim Morris

Credit card or not. In the text message, I'm going to put a link that says, blah, blah,, this.

Jim Morris

And so even a text message might.

Jim Morris

Have five hypotheses in it.

Jim Morris

We might make three or four different.

Jim Morris

Text messages to see which one users.

Jim Morris

Feel most comfortable clicking or some other action. So then as, as we get through the interviews for the known hypotheses, we can then just kind of check off.

Jim Morris

Yes, no, liked, personalization, didn't like it. Not by asking them, do you want your name in there or not? Just by saying which of these text.

Jim Morris

Messages or push notifications makes you feel most confident about proceeding on this task.

Jim Morris


Jim Morris

And we might have to read between the lines, but we're going to find.

Jim Morris

One that works or not.

Jim Morris

Actually, a lot of people don't want to click on text messages. They will just go around to the.

Jim Morris

Website that you've mentioned that your car repair is ready.

Jim Morris

They're not going to go to this. They're not going to click on that.

Jim Morris

Link from what is maybe the car.

Jim Morris

Repair company, maybe not. But that's okay.

Jim Morris

The text message had its purpose, so that hypothesis failed.

Jim Morris

But the primary hypothesis of actually going to pick up your car when you.

Jim Morris

Get the notification worked. And so I give them this structure that allows them, ideally within half an hour of the last interview, if they're filling it out as they go to make a distinction.

Jim Morris

Four out of five users agree with the primary hypothesis.

Jim Morris

Or at the end of the interview.

Jim Morris

If I'm like interviewing, it's a live event.

Jim Morris

Did I cover that?

Jim Morris

And my colleagues on the interview can say, look, they can chat me.

Jim Morris

You didn't ask the big question.

Jim Morris

Would you be disappointed if you didn't.

Jim Morris

Get a notification that your car was ready?

Jim Morris

I asked that user says, very disappointed, somewhat disappointed.

Jim Morris

There's some reaction. And then we note that so that.

Jim Morris

Sometimes we get through interviews and we.

Jim Morris

Forget to ask the big question.

Jim Morris

And the big question is, would you.

Jim Morris

Use this or not? It's not that simple. Because users will often say yes when.

Jim Morris

They don't mean it.

Jason Knight

The mom test, right?

Jim Morris

Yeah, that's my great structure, is the.

Jim Morris

Hypotheses to hang it all off of.

Jim Morris

And I also have a technique I.

Jim Morris

Call the user analysis grid.

Jim Morris

It happens when I'm in when I.

Jim Morris

Used to do in person testing. And you can't take a lot of.

Jim Morris

Notes, but I want to make sure.

Jim Morris

That I covered each of the main points.

Jim Morris

And so I'd have users as rows.

Jim Morris

And my main points as columns. And I could usually put five or.

Jim Morris

Six users data on one clipboard's worth of stuff.

Jim Morris

And that grid is now in Excel.

Jim Morris

Or Google Sheets when I'm online, which is most of the testing now.

Jason Knight

Some excellent techniques there.

Jason Knight

Where can people find you after this.

Jason Knight

If they want to speak to you.

Jason Knight

About anything that they've heard on the podcast tonight?

Jason Knight

Or find out a bit more about Discovery or tell you if they've seen.

Jim Morris

Your cat staying out late?

Jim Morris

Yeah, if you see my cat around.

Jim Morris

The corner, please call the number on her collar.

Jason Knight

Have you put a GPS track on her yet?

Jim Morris

I put an air tag on her, yes.

Jim Morris

We love our cat, and she's a little bit wayward.

Jim Morris

We'll see if that works. Anyways, as passive tracking, it's a pretty.

Jim Morris

Amazing device, and it hasn't seemed to.

Jim Morris

Annoy her in terms of finding me.

Jim Morris

I do not wear a tracker.

Jim Morris

I guess my phone is a tracker.

Jim Morris

You can go to or you can just Google Product Discovery Group and.

Jim Morris

You can find me from there. Twitter at SFJ morris like San Francisco.

Jim Morris

Jim Morris, SFJ morris or LinkedIn.

Jim Morris

There's a lot of Jim Morris's in the world. Pretty generic name. But you put Product or Product Discovery.

Jim Morris

After my name, that'll usually work.

Jason Knight

I'll go and do that and save everyone the effort by putting it into.

Jason Knight

The show notes so that Gumber finds you friction free.

Jason Knight

Well, that's been a really fantastic chat. Obviously really grateful you spent some of your time talking about some really interesting topics. And hopefully we can inspire some people.

Jason Knight

To think a little bit differently about.

Jason Knight

Discovery or at least start trying to do it in the first place. Hopefully we can stay in touch. But yeah, as for now, thanks for taking the time.

Jim Morris

Yeah. Thanks, Jason. I really have enjoyed your podcast episodes, and I'm super happy to be on it.

Jason Knight

As always, thanks for listening. I hope you found the episode ins and insightful. If you did, again, I can only.

Jason Knight

Encourage you to pop over to one.

Jason Knight

Night, check out some of my other fantastic guests, sign up for the main list, or subscribe on your favorite podcast app, and make sure you share with your friends so you and Nay can never miss another episode again. I'll be back soon with another inspiring.

Jason Knight

Guest, but as for now, thanks and good night.

April 28

PM Mastermind Roundtable: Establishing a Product Practice and Evangelizing Product Management

June 2

Product Discovery: Product-Led Techniques to Find the Next Big Idea